A. Cadmus:
- Apollo instructs him to follow a heifer that "has never worn the yoke"
- Cadmus does and his men are killed by Viper while getting water
- Cadmus spears the head of Viper to an oak tree
- Minerva/Athena instructs him to plant Viper's teeth and warriors spring up
- these warriors kill each other, save 5
- Thebes founded
B. Actaeon:
- Cadmus' grandson
- after hunting chances upon Diana/Artemis bathing
- nymphs try to hide her naked body but she is too tall
- nymphs beat their breasts
- Actaeon turned into a stag, killed by his own hounds in front of his hunting companions
C. Semele:
- Semele is pregnant with Jove's son, Juno finds out
- Juno disguised as Semele's old maid tells her to ask Jove to reveal himself to prove his identity
- Jove grants her a wish and she asks to see his true form
- Semele reduced to a pile of ash, Jove places offspring in his thigh (Bacchus/Dionysus)
D. Tiresias:
- Jove and Juno argue whether men or women have more pleasure
- Tiresias was both man and woman for a time, so they decide to ask him
- he sides with Jove and Juno makes him blind, Jove reduces punishment by giving him prophetic power
E. Narcissus and Echo:
- handsome Narcissus finds nymph Echo, she falls in love with him but he scorns her
- he falls in love with his reflection per Echo's curse, while trying to drink
- finally wastes away and becomes transformed into a flower in the pond
- Echo can only utter last part of what people say due to a curse from Juno
F. Pentheus:
- scorns the worship of gods, insults blind Tiresias, Tiresias warns of death at Bacchus' hands
- Pentheus sends his slaves to capture Bacchus during festival, return with priest of Bacchus - Acoetes
- Acoetes tells of finding Bacchus and his shipmates trying to trick the god while at sea
- all sailors turned into fish save Acoetes
- Pentheus torn apart by his mother Agave, and aunts Autonoe and Ino during festival
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