I thought I would post my outline that I had sketched in my notes while (re)reading Metamorphoses. Perhaps someone may find portions of it useful.
Metamorphoses I
A. The Four Ages:
1) Gold- mankind toil-free, earth provided nourishment
2) Silver- beginning of Jove/Jupiter/Zeus's rule, people dwell in houses instead of caves
3) Bronze- marked by human cruelty
4) Iron- mankind impious, rape of the earth, unrest between neighbors
B. The Giants:
- built towers attempting to reach Jove, struck down by lightning, the blood of Giants became humankind
C. Lycaon:
- tries to murder Jove while Jove is disguised as a human
- house is destroyed by lightning, Lycaon is turned into a wolf
- Jove decrees to decimate mankind, populate the earth with a new race
D. The Flood:
- Jove decides fire may ignite the universal fabric and destroy everything
- He floods the earth with Neptune/Poseidon's help
E. Deucalion and Pyrrha:
- couple survives on Mt. Parnassus after their boat lands there
- Jove spares them from deluge because they are pious
- they pray to Themis and she instructs them to throw stones ("bones of the great mother") as they go
- the stones become human (metamorphosis), Deucalion's are men, Pyrrha's are women
F. Python:
- created and terrified all people, killed by Phoebus/Apollo
- Olympic games created by gods to commemorate the slaying
G. Apollo and Daphne:
- Apollo jeers Cupid/Eros and is scorned
- Cupid shoots Apollo with golden arrow (attraction) and Daphne with leaded arrow (rejection)
- while fleeing Apollo, Daphne pleads with father and river gods to to change her form
- transformed into a tree
H. Io and Jove:
- Jove rapes Io in a fog and turns her into a white heifer, Io's father (Inachus, river god) weeps
- Juno/Hera senses foul play and goes looking for Jove, Jove gives her the heifer
- Juno entrusts Argus to watch over Io, Io reveals her identity to Inachus by marking name in dirt
- Mercury/Hermes puts Argus to sleep with Pan's flute and stories, chops off head
- Juno places Argus' eyes in peacock tail, torments Io until she begs for mercy
- Io turned back into nymph, becomes Isis
I. Syrinx:
- vowed to chastity like Diana/Artemis, pursued by Pan
- Pan creates reed pipe instrument to converse with her
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